The Diary of a Young Girl, an autobiographical account wriiten by Anne Frank, is perhaps the most famous personal account of the Holocaust. It was written in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, between 1942 and 1944. The Franks were a Jewish family originally from Germany, where Anne was born in 1929. Anne’s father, Otto, had come from a wealthy background, but his family’s fortune was lost after World War I. The novel has been introduced by CBSE in the curriculum of class X, English Communicative, as a Long Reading Text. The novel is divided into two sections – Section I and Section II.

Section I comprises the text, the summary and the post reading questions. This section has unedited and unabridged text in the original form as written by the author. All important aspects of the novel have been touched upon, keeping the originality of the novel intact. A chapter-wise summary is given at the end of the text for clarity and understanding. Meanings of difficult words and phrases, appear as footnotes on each page. Post reading questions based on the understanding of the text/narrative are given at the end of each chapter.

Section II comprises long-answer questions based on the theme, the plot, the incidents and the characters, with their answers.